The most proficient MRI simulation
platform in the world
The Corsmed MRI simulator platform provides operators, students
and teachers with unlimited virtual MRI scanners
Often referred to as "the flight simulator of MRI", Corsmed's MRI simulator lets both new and
experienced users practice and improve their skills in a safe setting
A virtual MRI scanner and MRI simulator with 1:1 image output
The Corsmed MRI simulator acts like a simulated MRI scanner on your laptop - Practicing and working
with the software is just like running a real scanner
The practitioner selects a preferred scanner and chooses an anatomic model (a patient), then uses the same interface as on real scanners to set the slice positions, pulse sequence and its parameters. After running the simulated scan, the MRI simulator return the same resulting images as on a real scanner, including anatomy, resolution, scan time, SNR, noise, contrast and artefacts.
See the simulator and technology in action below
Run your scans on industry-aligned MRI interfaces or the Corsmed native interface
The simulator and virtual scanner is made to be convenient to switch between the real world and virtual world. As such, the simulator uses both Corsmed's world class vendor neutral design interface, as well as industry aligned interfaces
"Virtual scanning as close to the real thing as you can get"
Train anywhere with any connected computer
The software is built as a web application and is accessible on any computer with an internet connection
Cloud based and everything online
Every user has their own unique profile and can keep working where they left off, no matter which computer they are at.
Access Corsmed ready-made courses or explore freely on your own
Practise and explore on your teams, there are no scan limits or restrictions once you have access to our software - All users are granted infinite ammounts of scans
Pre loaded with experiments and courses
With every license a large range of guided experiments and lab work are included and any user-made experiment can be run. Whichever topic you want to learn, physics, anatomy, contrast - We got you covered
Get full control and guide your
students and trainees
We provide a full platform to manage students and trainees and guide them
toward the most efficient MRI learning experience possible
Reach out to learn about group licenses
Reach out to learn about group licenses
Trusted by leading partners and universities around the world
Fully featured true 1:1 MRI simulations - No compromise
Our software has been built to be a reliable and efficient substitute for current and future medical professionals to practice MRI scanning
The platform features everything needed to provide a full training and practice experience
Small selection of available settings & features:
- 1.5T and 3T scanners
- Field of view, Matrix (resolution settings), Pixel values, Voxel relationships and -dimensions
- Multiple pulse sequences, including Spin echo, Gradient echo, Balanced steady state free precession, Inversion recovery, Echo-planar imaging and Turbo spin echo
- TR, TE, TI, RF, Flip angle and Bandwidth
- SNR indicators, SNR monitoring, SAR and Scan percentage
- Slice thickness, Slice gaps and Number of slices (volumes)
Scan up to 100x faster -
Same output as with real MRI scans
The Corsmed MRI simulator allows you to train and practice like you would on a real MRI scanner. Practicing and training on the simulator is much more efficient than real scanners, and the simulator can scan up to 100 times faster than a real scanner.
Commonly asked product questions
The simulator returns the same expected result as one would expect from a real clinical scanner.
We do this by simulating the MRI signal in each spin in every voxel of the slice volume of the patient model, we do this for every time step to compute the actual evolution of the MR-signal over time. We acquire the k-space and reconstruct the data into the image domain and MR-image.
This is why you get the same resulting output image as on a real scanner (given the same inputs being used), including anatomy, resolution, scan time, SNR, contrast and artifacts.
Our technology is built on more than 8 years of research on MRI simulations.
The entire simulator is cloud-based, meaning that to use it you only need a computer with an internet connection.
Our application specialists in the customer success team will help you get started with the simulator, by training and onboarding you into the entire platform.
The entire simulator is cloud-based, meaning that to use it you only need a computer with an internet connection.
All simulations are run on our servers, meaning that you only need a normal computer/laptop to run the platform.
Any computer that is 8 years old or newer will work perfectly. Both PC, MAC and Linux are supported, as are all major web browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera)
Our application specialists in the customer success team will help you get started with the simulator, by training and onboarding you into the entire platform.
We provide live-training and support over both video-call, phone, email and chat.
The MRI simulator does not have any images per se, rather it simulates and creates the images from scratch using our simulation engines and patient models. As such, there are no ready-made images when you first start using the simulator.
Rather, you simulate the MR-images using the simulator.
We do this by simulating the MRI signal in each spin in every voxel of the slice volume of the patient model, we do this for every time step to compute the actual evolution of the MR-signal over time. We acquire the k-space and reconstruct the data into the image domain and MR-image.
This is why you get the same resulting output image as on a real scanner (given the same inputs being used), including anatomy, resolution, scan time, SNR, contrast and artifacts.
Our technology is built on more than 8 years of research on MRI simulations.