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White Paper: Realism – Simulated vs. true brain MR images

Andreas Perneby March 11, 2022

Over the last few years, Corsmed has been aiming to build the most realistic and powerful MR simulation platform in the world. Allowing students and professionals alike on-demand access to a virtual MR scanner to configure and try advanced MR protocols without being limited by constraints such as time, accessibility and availability of both real MR scanners and subjects (healthy volunteers and patients).

In an environment of reduced access to MR scanners for educational and research purposes, the availability of realistic MR simulators is key to the improvement of the overall educational process and the reduction of the conception-to-completion time for new products in the MR field.

Corsmed’s MR simulation platform is an enabling tool for MR practitioners that ultimately improves the learning via experience and training and, in turn, patient care and safety.

In this paper, we explore the realism of the simulated MR images by comparing the outcome of a real clinical MRI scanner against the images provided by the MR simulator for the same sequences when using an advanced digital-twin of the subject.

Realism – Simulated vs. true MR brain images