Blog  > Corsmed supports the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in practical MRI course

Corsmed supports the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in practical MRI course

Erik Jacobsson January 9, 2019

Corsmed’s software was used to help facilitate the learning outcomes of an MR course given in Thessaloniki. In the training session, the 60 course participants could individually practice running MR scans and -protocols for 2 hours each.

The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki ran an MR course in Athens. The 60 participating 5-th year medicine students got to experience fundamentals of MR, including practice, as well as the latest within MR.

During the course, a practice session was ran. In the session, each course participant could access the Corsmed MRI simulator software. As such, each participant could, in their own pace and time, run several different protocols and learn how the protocols and parameters could be manipulated for different scenarios.

Corsmed at Aristotle University